WOUND MAN: A Poetry Chapbook
"Man is a danger to others because he is a stranger to himself."
This is a poetry book for wounded men (like me) and those who love them.
The Wound Man was a medical diagram used in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries to illustrate the physical wounds of man. In this poetry chapbook, I explore the inner, emotional wounds of man in similar detail, including family, culture, religion, relationships, and yes, sexuality (you've been warned).
In a time when society is recognizing the impacts of patriarchy, male privilege, and toxic masculinity, it may seem unpopular, or even inappropriate, to highlight the inner wounds of man. However, as this collection of poems suggest, it might be more dangerous for society to ignore them.
These wounds are ubiquitous, found in men of every culture, religion, and political affiliation. Some try to mask the wound with ardent religious activity and others call it out with painstaking academic precision, but neither can heal the wound. Deep understanding is needed for that. And so we are left with two uncomfortable choices: ignore the wounds to our peril or face them with courage and compassion so they can be healed. These poems are an attempt at the latter.
Wound Man is a collection of 40 intimate and thought-provoking poems on the wounded mind, body, and soul of so-called man.
It is available now in paperback and ebook on Amazon.